Church in the Park – Bigge Park Liverpool March 5th 2023
On Sunday 5th March we are taking church to Bigge Park in Liverpool to worship God in the open air! We’ll worship, have communion together...
On Sunday 5th March we are taking church to Bigge Park in Liverpool to worship God in the open air! We’ll worship, have communion together...
Healing Reign is an outreach ministry with churches coming together to take the Gospel of the Kingdom to our communities under an open heaven...
Healing Reign is an outreach ministry with churches coming together to take the Gospel of the Kingdom to our communities under an open heaven...
Healing Reign is an outreach ministry with churches coming together to take the Gospel of the Kingdom to our communities under an open heaven...
Healing Reign – Saturday June 4 Healing Reign is an outreach ministry with churches coming together to take the Gospel of the Kingdom to our...
Our next event is on Saturday, 1st August at 12 PM in Bigge Park, Bigge Street, Liverpool. There will be a free sausage sizzle, kids’...
Red Elliott is a gifted evangelist and pastor from South Australia who moves in the power of the Holy Spirit wherever and whenever he ministers...
Click here to book now Speakers Joel Shaw Joel Shaw is the associate pastor of Glory City Church in Brisbane, a fast-growing church where...
On Friday night 5th June at 7:30 PM, Open Heaven Church will be holding a special Healing Event – Healing in the Glory. In conjunction with...
This Friday night, 30th January, we are having a special healing service at Open Heaven Church – 7:30 pm, unit 23, 274-276 Hoxton Park Road...