Fire on the Altar – Friday 4th November 2016


Revival is coming to Liverpool and the region of south western Sydney. God has a plan to transform our region, but spiritual apathy stands in the way of a desperately needed spiritual awakening.
Do you have a passion for revival?
Fire on the Altar is an opportunity for God’s people to come together as one voice in prophetic worship, intercession and prevailing prayer, led by the Holy Spirit, to cry out for a regional awakening.
If you have a heart for revival in Liverpool and the south-western area of Sydney, come along!
We believe a great move of the Holy Spirit is coming to Liverpool.
Come and be part of what God is doing!
Where –
Open Heaven Church
Unit 23, 274-276 Hoxton Park Road
When –
Friday night 4th November at 7:30 pm…
If you would like to know about the prophetic vision that has fuelled these meetings, please follow this link –