Healing in the Glory – 5th June 2015


On Friday night 5th June at 7:30 PM, Open Heaven Church will be holding a special Healing Event – Healing in the Glory. In conjunction with Healing Rooms NSW we will begin with Spirit-filled worship, followed by prayer teams from Open Heaven and the Healing Rooms ministry praying for people for healing.

In the last few months we have seen medically verified healing of serious heart complaints, people healed of asthma, people who have had cysts shrink, back pain healed, and and many other evidences of God’s healing power at work.

If you, your friends, family or colleagues need healing, we invite all of you to experience the presence and power of God as He releases His healing power!

Open Heaven Church
Unit 23, 274-276 Hoxton Park Road
Prestons NSW
0434 729610

Recent testimonies here –
#healing #miracles #HolySpirit