Paul DeWildt is an Itinerant Apostolic Revivalist ordained with the Global Apostolic Network. He has had more than 20 years of Christian leadership and ministry in Australia and comes with a passion for the lost and an even greater passion for the presence of Almighty God.
In his ministry Paul has seen thousands turn to Christ in repentance and prayer, with more than 1000 converts in one meeting in Pakistan in 2010.
He has seen blind eyes open, hearing restored, limbs move back into place, cancers removed, and has seen skin grow over an open wound in front of his eyes.
Paul’s heart is to see the church everywhere wake up to the reality of the awesome presence of almighty God and step out of religion and into all that Almighty God – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – has for them.
Paul will be ministering at our Presence Revival Service on Friday 23rd September – meeting starts at 7:30PM.